Doula Life and Keeping the Sacred, Sacred
Taking a moment for reflection as the autumn season blankets this land I am dwelling in
Welcoming in deep solitude by the fire
Cozy sweaters, warm cacao with toasted masa harina drink, aroma of cedar leaves burning,
Murmuring baby as mother/parent grinds coconut shreds,
Morning dew on passionflower leaves
Harvesting the late blooms of flowers, birth altar renewed for the changing season
Babies coming, doula life becoming more busy
I am reminded of the time when my monk teacher told me, “If you are busy, meditate twice as longer”
Watching my doula client’s babies grow and witness the unfolding of their true essence is such a gift
As I witness the birthing ceremony let go, roar, and breathe down new life into this world,
I am reminded to let go of things in my life as well, roar them out, be uncomfortable, and honor the changes this life brings ~ as I make space for the new ~ to nurture and embrace this new growth
As we let go this season, may we also be reminded to be ready to receive ~ to receive abundance, may we bow to the bounty of our harvest
Keeping the Sacred, Sacred
Protecting my peace
Aligning and reclaiming
Seeding love, grace, and practice
In stillness, in mourning, in laughing and playing, in stewarding land, in softness, in spiritual partnership, in communal ways of being…
Infinite bows and love to Song of the Spirit in collaboration with Gathering Roots on the incredible land of Ayeko Farm